Pred dvema letoma pa je društvo poskrbelo za podmladek in ustanovilo še Otroško tamburaško skupino. Mlade tamburašice so takoj poprijele za instrumente, skopirali smo note in vaje so se začele. Z veseljem, zagnanostjo in vestnim delom jih vodi Meta Praček.
The Vipava Cultural Society has taken a special care of its offspring last June by forming another group of tamburitzans, The Children's Tamburitzans Group. The girls from the youngest tamburitzans were ready to begin and were keen on these instruments right from the start, so it didn't take long before the musical notes were copied and the rehearsals could start. The children's group is led by another young leader, Meta Praček, who takes pleasure in working with them with love and enthusiasm as well as the responsibility for her work.