Starejši tamburaški orkester (Senior tamburitzans)
Čeprav imajo vzdevek »tastari« so vseeno mladi po srcu, skupaj pa jih druži ljubezen do glasbe in skupna srečanja. Redno sodelujejo na območnih in regijskih revijah, v veselje pa jim je igrati na raznih praznovanjih in veselicah, saj si s tem pridobivajo veliko izkušenj in še več zagona za nova dela. Njihov repertoar zavzema predvsem priredbe ljudskih pesmi, dalmatinske in originalne tamburaške skladbe. Prav tako z njimi vztraja Neža Žgur.

Besides the youth group of Vipava tamburitzans, Vipava Tamburitza Orchestra has also the senior tamburitzans. Even though they are lovingly nicknamed "the seniors", this does not hold for them. On the contrary, they are young at heart and it is their love of music and common meetings with the younger group that keep their enthusiasm high. They regularly take part at regional competitions. What is more, they take a special delight in playing at different celebrations as well as public festivities for in this way they gain more experience, which consequently fills them with more excitement and enthusiasm about their new works. Their repertoir comprises mostly the arrangements of folk songs, Dalmatian and original tamburitza compositions. Once again, Neža Žgur is the one who stands by them.